Congratulations to Dr. Anand George

D-Pace heartily congratulates Dr Anand George on successfully defending his PhD! He is now working as a MITACS funded Post Doc with TRIUMF working on a D-Pace project.

Dr George's PhD brings expertise and advances to two negative ion sources: a novel RF ion source for negative ions (a hybrid pulling from licenses with TRIUMF and University of Jyvaskyla), and D-Pace's TRIUMF-licensed filament ion source.

The RF ion source produces plasma mainly by inductive coupling from an external RF antenna, the post doc research is intended to yield low downtime H¯ beams with a tantalum-free plasma .

Dr George obtained a 40% increase in H¯ and D¯ beam currents compared to the best previously reported results! This is a promising result and D-Pace looks forward to all of Dr George's future work with us.

Anand’s PhD project was supported by D-Pace, Inc. and Buckley Systems Ltd and was funded by Callaghan Innovation, NZ.  Dr George would also like to thank his supervisors, Dr. Neil Broderick, University of Auckland and Dr. Morgan Dehnel, D-Pace.

We would like to meet you at UCANS !

D-Pace will be at the 11th International Meeting of the Union for Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Sources from February 24-28, 2025 in Vancouver, BC, Canada

Click for details here