
Characteristics of a Ce-Doped Silica Fiber Irradiated by 0 - 400 MeV Neutrons

N.Savard, C. Penner, M. Dehnel, D. Potkins, C. Hoehr, "Characteristics of a Ce-Doped Silica Fiber Irradiated by 0 - 400 MeV Neutrons", IEEE Sensors 2018 Conference, New Delhi, October 28-31, 2018,IEEE, p. 1-4.

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Full list of D-Pace publications

Beamline, Magnets, Diagnostics, & Target Systems

Year Document

M.P. Dehnel, “Industrial Beamline Technologies and Approaches”, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, AIP Conf. Proc. 1336, pp. 21-25, 2011.

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J.M. Huser, M.R. Cackette, L. Wheeler, M.P. Dehnel, “Software for Radiopharmaceutical Production Control”, XII Turku PET Symposium, p. 96, Turku, Finland, 2011.

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M. Haji-Saeid, P. Mra, T.J. Ruth, D.J. SChleyer, P.V. Winkel, M.M. V.R. Capote-Noy, L. Carroll, J.C. Clark, J.J. Comor, M. Dehnel, R. Ferrieri, R.D. Finn, J.S. Fowler, M.J. Schueller, "Cyclotron Produced Radionuclides: Principles and Practice", IAEA, December 2008; ISBN: 978-92-0-100208-2

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M. Dehnel et al,“Practical Considerations in the Design of a High Current Commercial H¯ Cyclotron”, APAC 2007, pp.625-627, Indore, India, 2007.

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K.L. Erdman et al, “Compact Commercial 9 MeV Deuteron Cyclotron with Pulsed Beam”, 16th Int’l Conf. on Cyclotrons and their App’s, East Lansing, MI, USA, 2001.

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M.P. Dehnel et al, “Measurements of Beam Emittance, Accelerated RF Phase Band, and Centering in a 1 MeV Test Cyclotron”, 15th Int’l Conf. on Cyclotrons and their App’s, 236-238, Caen, France, 1998.

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K.L. Erdman et al, “Initial Operation of the Sherbrooke Ebco 19 MeV Cyclotron”, 15th Int’l Conf. on Cyclotrons and their App’s, 327-330, Caen, France, 1998.

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M.P. Dehnel et al, “Measurements of Injected Beam Deflections at the Exit of a Cyclotron Inflector as a Function of Applied Field or Beam Energy Perturbations”, 15th Int’l Conf. on Cyclotrons and their App’s, 239-242, Caen, France, 1998.

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M.P. Dehnel et al, “The Experimental Characterization of a Compact H¯ Cyclotron’s Spiral Inflector”, Nucl. Instrum. & Meth. in Phys., Vol. 397, Iss. 2-3, 1997.

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M.P. Dehnel et al, “The TR16/8, A Dual Particle Cyclotron for Clinical Isotope Production”, Proc. 3rd European Part. Acc. Conf., Vol. 2, pp. 1682-1684, Berlin, 1992.

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B.F. Milton et al, “First Beam in a New Compact Intense 30 MeV H¯ Cyclotron for Isotope Production”, Proc. 2nd European Part. Acc. Conf., Vol. 2, pp. 1812-1814, Nice, 1990.

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Ion Source & Injection Systems

Year Document

M. Dehnel, S. Melanson, A. George, C. Hoehr, N. Savard, “H‾, D‾ & He++ Source Developments for Medical Isotope Production Cyclotrons”, 2024 International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Applications of Accelerators”, March 17-21, 2024, Norfolk, Virginia, USA, in press.

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N. Savard, J. Munich, M. Dehnel. "Extraction of High Charge State Neon and Krypton from the D-Pace Penning Ion Source Test Stand." IPAC2023, May 7 – 12, 2023, Venice, Italy, in press.


A.George, S.Melanson, J.Munich, M.Dehnel, N.G.R.Broderick. “Influence of Plasma Electrode Aperture Size on Emittance From a Multicusp Ion Source.” Proceedings of the 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC2022), Bangkok, Thailand, 12–17 June 2022. JACoW Publishing, 2022, pp. 1813-1815.

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N. Savard, J. Munich, M. Dehnel. “Extraction of High-charge State Argon and α-Particles from D-Pace Penning Ion Source Test Stand” Proceedings of the 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC2022), Bangkok, Thailand, 12–17 June 2022. JACoW Publishing, 2022, pp. 1816-1818.

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N. Savard, G. Fubiani, M. Dehnel, "Comparison of Langmuir Probe and Optical Emission Spectroscopy on a Volume-Cusp Filament Ion Source using Helium", Rev. Sci. Instrum. 93, 103303 (2022).

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S. Melanson, A. George, T. Stewart and M. Dehnel, “Modification of an H¯ Ion Source for the Extraction of Negative and Positive Ions.” 26th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research & Industry (CAARI) & 53rd Symposium of Northeastern Accelerator Personnel (SNEAP), Denton, Texas, USA, October 30 – November 3, 2022.

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Anand George, Stephane Melanson, Cornelia Hoehr and Morgan Dehnel. “Plasma Chamber Erosion in a CW H− Ion Source Powered by a Planar External RF Antenna”. 18th Workshop on Targetry and Target Chemistry (WTTC 18) , Whistler, Canada, August 21-26, 2022. Abstracts, pp. 192 - 194.

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A. Paul, S. Melanson, T. Junginger, M. Dehnel. “Creating negative ion beams from neutral gases using a negative hydrogen ion source.” 8th International symposium on Negative Ions, Beams and Sources (NIBS2022).  Padova, Italy, 2-7 Oct 2022. In press.


P. Jackle, A. Bunevich, D. S. Lopez, K. L. Kavanagh, M. Dehnel. “Development of a Negative Helium Ion Source with Non-Metallic Charge Exchange.” 2024 JINST 19 C01014

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Anand Mathai George, Taneli Kalvas, Stephane Melanson, Morgan Dehnel, N G R Broderick. "H- beam emittance analysis in a multicusp ion source." Proceedings for 19th International Conference on Ion Sources (ICIS2021), Online. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2244 012038.

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Robert Welton, Dan Bollinger, Morgan Dehnel, Ilija Draganic, Dan Faircloth, Baoxi Han, Jacques Lettry, Martin Stockli, Olli Tarvainen, Akira UENO. "Negative hydrogen ion sources for particle accelerators: Sustainability issues and recent improvements in long-term operations." Proceedings for 19th International Conference on Ion Sources, 2022 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2244 012045.

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Nicolas Savard, Alexey Groutso, Stephane Melanson, Dave Potkins, Morgan Dehnel. "Trapping secondary electrons in ExB drift for an alpha generating penning ion source." Proceedings for 19th International Conference on Ion Sources (ICIS2021). Online. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2244 012104.

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Anand George , Taneli Kalvas, Stephane Melanson, Nicolas Savard, Dave Potkins, Morgan Dehnel , and Neil G. R. Broderick "A Study of the Optical Effect of Plasma Sheath in a Negative Ion Source Using IBSIMU Code" Review of Scientific Instruments (Vol.91, Issue 1)

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M. Almalki, A. Alrashdi, S. Alshammari, A. Jabr, A. Alabdusalam, M. Dehnel, T. Stewart "Ion Optical Calculations of High Resolution Analyzing Magnet System for Heavy Molecular Ions at KACST" Proceedings of the 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC'19), Melbourne, Australia 19 – 24 May 2019

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A. George, S. Melanson, D. Potkins, T. Stewart, M. Dehnel, Y. Shimabukuro, N.G.R. Broderick, "Improvements in RF Multicusp Negative Ion Source" Proceedings of the 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC'19), Melbourne, Australia 19 – 24 May 2019

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N. Savard, D. Potkins, P. Jackle, J. Theroux, S. Melanson, G. Marcoux, M. Dehnel, "Development of a Penning Ion Source Test Stand for Production of Alpha Particles" Proceedings of the 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC'19) pp. 1932-1935, Melbourne, Australia 19 – 24 May 2019

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A.George, S. Melanson, D. Potkins, M. Dehnel, H. McDonald, C. Philpott & N. Broderick, “Effect of Magnetic Filter in a Volume Production Multicusp Ion Source”, In AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 2052, no. 1, p. 050015. AIP Publishing, 2018.

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A. George, S. Melanson, D. Potkins, M. Dehnel, N. Broderick, H. McDonald, C. Philpott, "Optimisation of D- Ion Production in a Multicusp Ion Source",Proceedings of the 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference(IPAC2018), Vancouver, BC, Canada, April 24-May 4 2018, p. 1609-1611.

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S. Melanson, D. Potkins, H. McDonald, C. Philpott & M. Dehnel, “Beam Current Stability Improvements of Negative Carbon Ions Extraction from a Multi-Cusp Ion Source”, In AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 2052, no. 1, p. 060003. AIP Publishing, 2018.

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D. Potkins, M. Dehnel, S. Melanson, T. Stewart, P. Jackle, J. Hinderer, N. Jones, L. Williams,"Improvements to Siemens Eclipse PET Cyclotron Penning Ion SourceIn AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 2052, no. 1, p. 050016. AIP Publishing, 2018.

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Year Document

M.P. Dehnel, “Industrial Beamline Technologies and Approaches”, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, AIP Conf. Proc. 1336, pp. 21-25, 2011.

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J.M. Huser, M.R. Cackette, L. Wheeler, M.P. Dehnel, “Software for Radiopharmaceutical Production Control”, XII Turku PET Symposium, p. 96, Turku, Finland, 2011.

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M. Haji-Saeid, P. Mra, T.J. Ruth, D.J. SChleyer, P.V. Winkel, M.M. V.R. Capote-Noy, L. Carroll, J.C. Clark, J.J. Comor, M. Dehnel, R. Ferrieri, R.D. Finn, J.S. Fowler, M.J. Schueller, "Cyclotron Produced Radionuclides: Principles and Practice", IAEA, December 2008; ISBN: 978-92-0-100208-2

Related products
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M. Dehnel et al,“Practical Considerations in the Design of a High Current Commercial H¯ Cyclotron”, APAC 2007, pp.625-627, Indore, India, 2007.

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K.L. Erdman et al, “Compact Commercial 9 MeV Deuteron Cyclotron with Pulsed Beam”, 16th Int’l Conf. on Cyclotrons and their App’s, East Lansing, MI, USA, 2001.

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M.P. Dehnel et al, “Measurements of Beam Emittance, Accelerated RF Phase Band, and Centering in a 1 MeV Test Cyclotron”, 15th Int’l Conf. on Cyclotrons and their App’s, 236-238, Caen, France, 1998.

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K.L. Erdman et al, “Initial Operation of the Sherbrooke Ebco 19 MeV Cyclotron”, 15th Int’l Conf. on Cyclotrons and their App’s, 327-330, Caen, France, 1998.

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M.P. Dehnel et al, “Measurements of Injected Beam Deflections at the Exit of a Cyclotron Inflector as a Function of Applied Field or Beam Energy Perturbations”, 15th Int’l Conf. on Cyclotrons and their App’s, 239-242, Caen, France, 1998.

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M.P. Dehnel et al, “The Experimental Characterization of a Compact H¯ Cyclotron’s Spiral Inflector”, Nucl. Instrum. & Meth. in Phys., Vol. 397, Iss. 2-3, 1997.

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M.P. Dehnel et al, “The TR16/8, A Dual Particle Cyclotron for Clinical Isotope Production”, Proc. 3rd European Part. Acc. Conf., Vol. 2, pp. 1682-1684, Berlin, 1992.

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B.F. Milton et al, “First Beam in a New Compact Intense 30 MeV H¯ Cyclotron for Isotope Production”, Proc. 2nd European Part. Acc. Conf., Vol. 2, pp. 1812-1814, Nice, 1990.

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D-Pace will be participating in the 15 th International Particle Accelerator Conference May 19-24, 2024, in Nashville, Tennessee, USA

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